The Butte County Public Health Department, which regulates the Clean Water Act, helped the Board to select 3 field sample sites within the system for regular water testing for bacteria. The sample locations are in Rocky Bluffs, Skansen, and Spanish Gardens.
Water Quality testing takes place at these sites on a monthly basis or more often, depending on the rules. The source well watger is also tested. If all the samples are good, then the water does not require clorination.
If sample results at the well or at the field sample sites are not good, it is because the lab test result show the presence of coliform bacteria or E. coli bacteria. Then the Water Company will follow the “Total Coliform Rule,” which is a perscription for disinfecting the system and is based on where and how often there is bacteria in the tests of sampled water.
Test results are the basis for the CCR’s which are sent to the members in the mail each year. Go to the Water Quality page to find the last few years CCR’s.